Friday 26 November 2010

Music Magazine Public Questionnaire

I asked a few of my friends about the design of my magazine cover by issuing them a 5 question questionnaire. The questions asked were as follows...

1. For a music magazine based on rock music, would you be more drawn to a colourful, or simple background?

The majority of people said that they would prefer a simple, but busy background as this suits the style of music best.

2. What would you like to see as the background cover picture for the magazine?

The majority of participants said they woulds like to see a picture of the latest alternative rock band on the front cover, and they would like it to be as busy as it possibly can be. Obviously I will not be able to use an existing picture of a band, I will have to take one myself. Therefore I will create one by assembling a group of people for a photograph, or taking a picture of one person.

3. What would you like the main article to be about within the magazine?

The majority of interviewees said that they would like to see a double page spread on how to form an rock band yourself, or how to compose a rock riff on their own.

4. How would you like the layout to be of the double page spread?

Most of the people i asked said that they would like the pages to be very busy, full of pictures and text, but they would still like to be able to read and follow the text with good structure.

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