Thursday 14 October 2010

Beginning The Editing Process (Preliminary Project Front Cover)

 At this point I have finished editing my front cover. I started by taking the portrait of the school that I had previously taken, and gave it a posterized negative effect, as shown below.

 I then inverted the colours to give it a brighter feel, and upon finishing the background, it looked as though it was a line drawing, which is the sort of effect i was hoping to achieve.

I then proceeded to add a title using a simple Calibri font (again sticking with the minimalist approach). The final step towards completing the front cover was to add the head and shoulders shot, and a caption to accompany it. I edited the head and shoulders shot by changing it from a harsh square outline, to a more simplistic oval shape, with feathered edges. The feathering assured that it didn't look too sharp against the background, but instead gave the effect of it all blending into one. I then typed the caption "Computing genius buys out Microsoft!" and placed it to the right of the photo

The finished cover is shown below. This just leaves the contents page left to do for the preliminary piece.

Negative Posterized Effect Before Inversion
The Completed Front Cover

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