Thursday 14 October 2010

Making The Contents Page (Preliminary Project)

Upon completing the front cover, I then begun thinking about my contents page. I didn't want the page to look to cluttered, so decided to put as minimal amount of text as i possibly could. I decided to use the negative posterized picture of the school that I took earlier on in the project. The photo before adding the text is shown below.
The Contents Picture Before Adding Text

Deciding the colour of the text i needed to use was tricky, as the picture is quite busy, however I decided to use basic white text, and base the contents list purely in the corner of the page, where there is a large area of plain black.

The final step was to add the text to the contents. As it is not required to design an article for the preliminary project, I simply made up some articles and page numbers for the contents page. I then spaced them out in order to ensure that the page didn't look cluttered. The finished project is shown below.

The Completed Contents Page

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