Thursday 14 October 2010

The Completed Preliminary Project

I have now fully completed the preliminary project. Both the finished pages are shown below:

Completed Front Cover

Completed Contents Page

I am very happy with the way that it has turned out, and it has worked how I expected it to from the start. The way that the school is presented as a line drawing in both the contents page and the front cover is very effective, and has a very strong punch in my opinion. I also like the fact that I am using the same picture for both pages, yet it still looks very different. Also the way the tree is at the foreground of both the cover and the contents page, makes it stand out, and I believe that it is well placed within the entire picture.

I asked a fellow media student what he thought of my project, and he agreed that it looks very eye catching, and would draw the reader in due to its artistic interpretation of how the school is portrayed.

If I was to redo the project, I would possibly take a more interesting photo of the school, or include the new school building to the photograph. I would also observe the rule of thirds in photography in a better structured way than I did in the current photo. I may also include some of the students in the main background pictures, to make it look as though it is a candid action shot, and this would give the effect of making the school look more natural in the photograph.

I now need to think about the main project. This is going to be a music magazine cover. I will post any updates of thoughts or ideas I have for this concept.

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